
Las Hermanas Iglesias is an ongoing artistic and cooperative collaboration between sisters Janelle and Lisa Iglesias. In addition to their personal artist practices, the duo create work collectively despite living on opposite coasts, playfully weaving together issues surrounding familial history and cultural hybridity, fertility, birthing and childcare, and larger relationships between family and our surrounding society. Recently featured as part of Las Hermanas Iglesias’ exhibition "Plumb and Fathom" at the Blanton Museum of Art in Austin, Texas, their work “Fluff Loomed and Twin Peaked” features a found textile that was sent back and forth between the sisters over a course of years. Altered over space and time, the textile is marked by embroidery and fabric paint adornments suggesting bodily forms such as nipples and breasts, symbols for femininity, nourishment, caregiving and comfort, with the top corners of the textile delicately grasped by a pair of plaster hands cast from the artists’ mother and frequent collaborator Bodhild Iglesias.

Las Hermanas Iglesias were both born in Queens, New York in 1979 and 1980 respectively. Recent solo exhibitions have been held at the Blanton Museum of Art, Austin; the National Nordic Museum, Seattle; Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA; Galeria Mamey, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; and Ortega Y Gasset, New York. The duo were the first artists to be in residence at the Peggy Toomer Family Residency at Stoneleaf Retreat, Kingston, New York, and were both awarded a Queens Council for the Arts Individual Artist Grant and a NALAC Individual Artist Grant.

Janelle Iglesias attended Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture in 2009 and graduated with an MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond in 2006, and a BA from Emory University in Atlanta in 2002.

Lisa Iglesias graduated with an MFA from the University of Florida, Gainesville in 2006, and a BA from Binghamton University in Johnson City, New York in 2001.

Selected Works