
Melissa Joseph (b. 1980, Saint Marys, PA) lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. Joseph is invested in craft traditions, and her practice incorporates textile, ceramics, and sculpture. Her recent work includes family, friends, and peers in domestic settings and in close conversation, in delicately and precisely rendered compositions.

Joseph received her MFA from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, her MAT in Art Education from the Rhode Island School of Design, her AAS in textile surface design from the Fashion Institute of Technology and her BA from New York University. She has had solo exhibitions at Artpace, San Antonio (2024); Margot Samel, New York (2023); Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA (2023); REGULARNORMAL, New York (2021); Fleisher Art Memorial, Philadelphia (2019); and The Growlery, San Francisco (2018); amongst others.

Her work has been included in group exhibitions at the Whitaker Museum, Lancashire, United Kingdom (2023); Green Art Gallery, Dubai (2023); Margot Samel, New York (2023); Charles Moffett, New York (2023); and Venus Over Manhattan, New York (2023); amongst others. She was a Windgate Foundation Scholar (2023); and was a Hopper Prize Finalist (2021); amongst others. Joseph was in residence at the Greenwich House Pottery Residency, New York (2023); Museum of Arts and Design, New York (2023); Archie Bray Foundation Residency, Helena, MT (2022); Fountainhead Arts Residency, Miami (2021); and the Dieu Donné Workspace Residency, Brooklyn (2021); amongst others.

Selected Works
Art Fairs