
Stephanie Crawford (b. 1942, Detroit, MI) lives and works in Oakland, California. Crawford’s paintings and collages are highly personal and gestural amalgamations rooted in abstract and color field painting. 

Crawford received her BFA from Wayne State University and pursued graduate coursework at Pratt Institute of the Arts. Crawford is also an internationally renowned singer and musician who studied with Barry Harris in New York. Her work has been included in exhibitions at Gordon Robichaux, New York (2022; 2020); Rebecca Camacho Presents, San Francisco (2021); Karma, New York (2020); apexart, New York (2020); Parker Gallery, Los Angeles (2020); and Artist Curated Projects, Los Angeles (2020); amongst others. Crawford has performed at numerous venues and events including The Duc des Lombards, Wigstock, The Pyramid, The Blue Note, Jazzmania, and Barry Harris Jazz Cultural Theatre amongst others.

Selected Works
Art Fairs