Emily Furr: Omni Mind


Rebecca Camacho Presents is pleased to announce a solo exhibition of new work by New York based artist Emily Furr. Titled Omni Mind, Furr explores the idea of a shared consciousness, one mind, that fuels all matter and energy. Measuring in contrasts, Furr’s sharp-edged paintings engage themes of patriarchal structures, transformations, gateways, and the cosmic void. Oscillating between the temporal and celestial universes, Furr visualizes an omnipotent awareness of existence, conveying the viewer between inner and outer realms.

In a cohesive series of paintings and works on paper, Furr expertly layers galaxies and geometric structures, blanketing industrial connotations of masculine force, power and progress over a vibrant, fluid cosmos. Sexually and recreationally suggestive, machine mechanisms frequently house fleshy portals, gleaming red missiles bisect dreamy stellar planes, tongues laden with hallucinogenic sugar cubes emerge from manufactured piping, moons function as tokens, pushed into cavities to facilitate game play. The inherent tensions in Furr’s binary oppositions fuse paintings and politics. By manipulating the dichotomies of eroticism, played out in the balance between the hard and the soft, the phallic and the yonic, the solar and the lunar, Furr charges her objects with a sensual, bodiless power, both forms and the void that surrounds them become anthropomorphic depictions of human relations.

In the gallery project room, Furr nods to other altered states of consciousness and vintage San Francisco psychedelic posters by installing a black light and using fluorescent neon paints to create works that physically glow. Presenting as traditional surfaces under white light, the addition of an ultraviolet bulb creates a tangible portal, shifting perception and balance.

Exploring the potentialities and limitations of scale, Omni Mind offers a look into our outer universes by examining our interior ones.

Installation Shots
Selected Works