
Christopher Robin Duncan, 2024
Publisher: Deadbeat Club.

ISBN: 978-1-952523-22-9

Dimensions: 9 x 12 inches

Pages: 52

Known for his textile and sound work, Christopher Robin Duncan recently turned to photography, rediscovering with a simple and sincere pleasure the medium that he had, for a while, set aside. 

Marked by the question of time, and informed by an intuitive, direct relationship with natural elements, Duncan's practice unfolds anew by the use of photography. Using a half frame camera which, by dividing the film in two, doubles time and space by the same action, Duncan creates interstices—the time of a heartbeat, of a fraction of a second—into which he slips, moves imperceptibly, creating suspended moments.

It is a delicate relationship to time that Duncan offers us with Poems. We find there the ties with seasons and natural cycles; we find there air, water, wind.

Like a volume of poetry, in which rhymes answer and echo each other, the lo-fi yet precious views Duncan gathers are combined in Poems, resonating in the distance, and eventually forming a complete cycle, a perfect revolution around its solar heart.

And, like the wind that blows across the photographed views, we too can experience the unbound pages, rearranging their rhymes into visual sequences each time reimagined.