
Christy Matson (b. 1979, Seattle, WA) lives and works in Los Angeles, CA. Matson’s practice incorporates traditional, analog modes of weaving with new digital technologies afforded by the Jacquard TC2 loom. Her textiles often explore themes such as memory, the gendered histories of textile production, and issues related to sustainability and the environment.

She received her BFA from the University of Washington in 2001 and her MFA from the California College of the Arts in 2005. She has had solo exhibitions at Rebecca Camacho Presents, San Francisco (2023; 2020); Philip Martin Gallery, Los Angeles (2023); Milwaukee Art Museum (2022); Volume Gallery, Chicago (2021); Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI (2019); and Long Beach Museum of Art (2018); amongst others.

Her work has been included in group exhibitions at Philip Martin Gallery, Los Angeles (2023); Bakersfield Museum of Art (2022); Craig Krull Gallery, Santa Monica (2021); Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) Chicago (2020); The Landing, Los Angeles (2018); and the Craft and Folk Art Museum, Los Angeles (2017); amongst others. Matson was nominated for the Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation Award (2009; 2007) and she received a City of Chicago CAAP Artist Grant (2008). She was artist-in-residence at the Oregon College of Arts and Crafts, Portland (2018); Textilsetur, Blonduous, Iceland (2018; 2017); Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland (2011); Oriole Mill, Hendersonville, NC (2009); Harvestworks: Digital New Media Center, New York (2006); and Experimental Sound Studio, Chicago (2006).

Selected Works
Art Fairs