
Tony Feher (b. 1956 – 2016, Albuquerque, NM) lived and worked in New York, NY. Feher’s work spans sculpture and installation. Feher utilized every day and often found materials, combining these items into complex assemblages that speak to notions of transience and are often playful in their approach. 

He received his BA from the University of Texas at Austin in 1978. His work has been featured in a number of solo exhibitions at museums and commercial galleries. Recent exhibitions include the FLAG Art Foundation, New York (2024); Marc Selwyn Fine Arts, Los Angeles (2023); Gordon Robichaux Gallery, New York (2023); Sikkema Jenkins & Co., New York (2022); and Plymouth Rock, Zurich (2019); amongst many others. Feher’s work will be featured in a solo exhibition at Rebecca Camacho Presents, San Francisco (2024).

His work has been in recent group exhibitions at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles (2023); Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York (2022); Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante, Spain (2022); San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco (2022); and Nevada Museum of Art, Reno (2022); amongst others.

A twenty-year survey of Feher’s work was organized by Claudia Schmuckli in 2012 and traveled to the Des Moines Art Center (2012); the Blaffer Art Museum, University of Houston (2012); deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, Lincoln, MA (2013); and the Bronx Museum of Art, New York (2013). Feher has received awards including the Aspen Award for Art, Aspen Art Museum, Aspen (2006); and The Alpert Award for Ucross Residency Prize Winner for Visual Arts (2004); amongst others.

Rebecca Camacho Presents is an executor of the Tony Feher Estate.

Selected Works
Art Fairs