Edie Fake: Night Life


Rebecca Camacho Presents is pleased to announce an exhibition of new paintings by Twentynine Palms-based artist Edie Fake. Blurring the lines between geometric and organic forms with structures adorned by elements that serve as both decorative and protective, Fake’s precise, intimately scaled, gouache paintings on panel center exploration of identity in the transgender and queer experience.

Inspired by care and representation through simple measures of survival and time, Fake’s newest works address small, concrete actions that create ongoing nourishment. Saturated, luxuriously colored with a matte finish, the artist’s hopeful paintings oscillate between the internal and the external, detailing a new phase of coming together as a community and providing for universal human needs in times of change and challenge.

In a series of paintings analogous to sewing patterns, Fake considers the nourishment of personal presentation. Highlighting the importance of being able to wholly create or piece together from varying elements one’s external appearance, to adorn oneself in clothing and decoration that exemplifies self-care and intimate preferences, Fake’s impulse to paint towards situations that are significant on a singular scale becomes a larger queer dialogue of expression, visibility, and acceptance.

An adjacent set of works address multiple forms of internal nourishment. Detailing rows in seed beds, shelves of fermenting liquids and bento boxes of harvested vegetables, Fake’s documentation of physical sustenance also includes artistic craft, love, humor and meditative relaxation. In the midst of uncertainty, Fake’s alphabet of visual abstractions channels a positive holistic approach to community and care.

Installation Shots
Selected Works